Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My notes of what Dr. Keller said, 

"I’ve said this before and I will say it again, I believe from the bottom of my heart, and with God as my witness, that everybody on the face of this planet should be on both (OGF) and (AID)!... And frankly, given what’s going on in this world right now, I believe that anybody who is NOT on (OGF) is doing themselves a dis-service. ..It is always a thrill for me to be able to give you a little bit of a glimpse, and I do mean a little bit of a glimpse of the importance of Glutathione and really know the importance of the dynamic duo meaning (OGF) and the (AID). And I hope that you take the message to heart and I hope that without over selling, okay, you recognize the importance of it’s protective role in what may become a pandemic in the very near future.”

Important Notice: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended for use in the treatment of any disease. Jillyn and Randy,,,, do not make any claims concerning (OGF) or (AID) or any other products.
Jillyn and Randy

Glutathione and the Role of Inflammation in MS.  Glutathione the key antioxidant in the brain.

In his book, Glutathione: Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease, Dr. Keller discussed neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis) and wrote:
It is impossible to argue that these are not devastating illnesses and a myriad of studies have associated them casually with inflammation. The question that remains is, if they are associated with increased free radical production (a given in states of inflammation) will ‘rebalancing the system with antioxidants prove clinically beneficial?’ ”
Dr. Keller’s question continues to be answered by scientific studies that propose that “antioxidants may inhibit the development and progression of MS lesions.” (Schreibelt, 2007— Follow this link to read the entire text of the published abstract on this study:
A British study discussed the dangerous free radical nitric oxide and its derivative peroxynitrite and the role they play in inflammatory blood-brain-barrier dysfunction. (Giovannoni 1998— Follow this link to read the entire text of the published abstract on this study:
In the March 2011 journal Multiple Sclerosis, researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center concluded that in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis that showed an absence of measurable inflammation, oxidative stress continued to cause a functional decline in the patients. This was shown by lower levels of glutathione in the brain. (Choi 2011— Follow this link to read the entire text of the published abstract on this study:
The researchers confirmed that glutathione (GSH) is “a key antioxidant in the brain.”
Everybody wants great skin. Just take a look at all the beauty products on the market today promising great skin. Did you know that your skin is your largest organ in your body and is the largest direct recipient of environmental stress? Skin is the first contact point for almost every environmental challenge (chemicals, toxins, pathogens, UV and other forms of radiation, abrasions, etc.). The ability to stave off these environmental insults is critical to maintaining good skin health and paramount in preserving good skin appearance.
If you or your friends are looking for great skin, make sure to tell them about how Original Glutathione Formula™ works from the inside out supporting the body's ability to maintain normal healthy levels of Glutathione.  The end result will be skin that maintains its youthful radiance and elasticity. 

Order at  ​ and for 50% off your first order with me contact me at

¿Sabe cómo OGF promueve una piel sana?
Todo el mundo quiere una buena piel. Basta con echar un vistazo a todos los productos de belleza en el mercado que promete una buena piel. ¿Sabías que la piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo y es el mayor beneficiario directo de la tensión ambiental? La piel es el primer punto de contacto para casi todos los desafíos del medio ambiente (sustancias químicas, toxinas, patógenos, UV y otras formas de radiación, abrasiones, etc.) La posibilidad de evitar estas agresiones ambientales es fundamental para mantener la buena salud de la piel y es de suma importancia en la preservación de la buena apariencia de la piel.
Si sus clientes o amigos están buscando una buena piel, asegúrese de informarles sobre cómo Original Glutathione Formula™ trabaja de adentro hacia afuera apoyando la capacidad del cuerpo para mantener los niveles normales y saludables de glutatión. El resultado final será que su piel mantiene su juventud y elasticidad radiante. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Do you know anybody who seems to forget everything?
As your body's most important antioxidant, Glutathione is very important in the overall health and peak function of the brain, including memory and mental acuity.
The brain consumes more calories per ounce than any other organ in the body, and as a result, is also responsible for an equally high level of free radical formation.
In order for the brain to function at optimum efficiency there needs to be adequate levels of Glutathione available to quench and eliminate these free radicals as quickly as they are formed.
If any of your friends or family seem to be forgetful, this is a perfect opportunity to bring up daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™.  Tell them it may assist the body in maintaining healthy levels of Glutathione, providing their brain with the resources it needs to operate at optimal efficiency.
¿Sabe cómo OGF mejora la función cerebral?
¿Conoces a alguien que parece olvidarse de todo?
Como antioxidante más importante de su cuerpo, el glutatión es muy importante en la función de la salud del cerebro, incluyendo la memoria y la agudeza mental.

El cerebro consume más calorías por onza que cualquier otro órgano en el cuerpo, y como resultado, también es responsable de un nivel igualmente alto de formación de radicales libres. 
Para que el cerebro funcione con una eficiencia óptima es necesario que haya niveles adecuados de glutatión disponibles para apagar y eliminar estos radicales libres tan pronto como se forman. 
Si alguno de sus amigos o familiares parecen ser olvidadizo, esta es una oportunidad perfecta para mencionar la suplementación diaria con el Original Glutathione Formula™. Diles que puede ayudar al cuerpo a mantener los niveles saludables de glutatión, apoyando a su cerebro con los recursos que necesita para operar con una eficiencia óptima.

Monday, July 7, 2014

How Much Can OGF (Dr. Keller's Original Glutathione Formula) really help?

Did you know that although Glutathione is naturally present in every cell of your body, starting in your early 20's your body's natural production of Glutathione starts to decline by as much as 10% - 15% every decade. Additionally, stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins can also reduce your body's Glutathione levels. 
Glutathione functions as both an antioxidant, as well as an anti-toxin for your body; boosting the immune system, promoting anti-aging and improving cellular function. The result: increased vitality, health and wellness.  
To learn even more about Glutathione, download the free Glutathione eBook written by Dr. Keller himself, Glutathione: Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease.  Visit now to download it.
Here is a simple score sheet you can share with your customers to track their improvements during a 30 day time period. Have them rate themselves before they take OGF, with 0 being okay and 10 being incapacitating. After a month of using the product, have them rate themselves again in the same manner from 0 to 10 and see if they have made any improvements.

Be sure and use the coupon code contact me at
 on your first order of any of the products from for questions and more info.

Did you know OGF reduces aches and pains from muscle soreness?

Did you know that in the first 10 minutes of aerobic exercise you burn as much as 40% of the available Glutathione in your muscle tissue? Muscle soreness occurs when you exercise in the absence of a sufficient level of Glutathione in your body. 
As a result of this Glutathione deficit, your mitochondria may become oxygen starved resulting in Anaerobic Glycolysis (when the mitochondria burn sugar without oxygen to create energy).This causes the production and accumulation of lactic acid, which is responsible for the muscle pain we sometimes experience after a strenuous workout. 
Original Glutathione Formula™ decreases accumulated lactic acid, which means you can have more pain-free workouts because your muscles recover more quickly. 

So if you know anyone who works out, or someone training for a marathon, or someone who simply wants to start exercising but doesn't want to deal with the muscle aches and soreness, be sure to share these OGF benefits !

Order at and use the 50% off first order coupon code
by calling me or emailing me.
¿Sabes cómo OGF Reduce dolores musculares? 
¿Sabía que en los primeros 10 minutos de ejercicio aeróbico quema hasta un 40% de glutatión disponible en su tejido muscular? Dolores musculares se producen cuando se hace ejercicio, y el nivel suficiente de glutatión en su cuerpo le hace falta.

Como resultado de este déficit de glutatión, sus mitocondrias pueden llegar a una escasez de oxígeno que resulta en la glucólisis anaeróbica (cuando las mitocondrias queman azúcar sin oxígeno para crear energía). Esto hace que la producción y acumulación de ácido láctico, que es responsable para el dolor muscular que a veces experimentamos después de un entrenamiento intenso.

El Original Glutathione Formula
 disminuye el ácido láctico acumulado, lo que significa que puede tener más entrenamientos libres de dolor porque sus músculos se recupere más rápidamente.

Así que si usted conoce a alguien que entrena todos los días, o se prepara para un maratón, o alguien que simplemente quiere empezar a hacer ejercicio, pero no quiere hacer frente a los dolores musculares, asegúrese de compartir estos beneficios de OGF y ganar otro cliente!

Some Anti-Aging Benefits of the Original Glutathione Formula (OGF)

Everyone wants great skin. Our skin is our largest organ and is easily damaged by stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, sun exposure, harsh wind, pollution and second hand smoke; all damaging the skin. Let's face it, none of us are getting any younger, but wouldn't it be great if we still felt young even as we age?
Glutathione levels in the body begins to decline in our early 20's and progressively decline as we age. The cause of this decrease may be the body's inability to produce Glutathione as efficiently as we age or it might be that the body requires more Glutathione as we get older.  Interestingly, certain studies have shown that individuals who have lived 100+ years have naturally high levels of Glutathione.
So next time one of your friends or family talks about how old they look and feel, follow it up with how increasing your Glutathione levels with OGF helps your body naturally fight free-radical damage and is the best anti-aging defense . . . from the inside out! 
Todo el mundo quiere una buena piel. Nuestra piel es el órgano más grande en su cuerpo y se daña fácilmente por el estrés, la mala alimentación, la falta de sueño, exposición al sol, el viento duro, la contaminación y el humo de segunda mano, todo daña la piel. Seamos sinceros, ninguno de nosotros se hacen más jóvenes. Pero ¿no sería genial si todavía nos sentimos jóvenes, incluso a medida que envejecemos?

Los niveles de glutatión en el cuerpo comienzan a disminuir en principios de los 20 años y progresivamente disminuye a medida que envejecemos. La causa de esta disminución puede ser la incapacidad del cuerpo para producir glutatión de la manera más eficiente a medida que envejecemos o podría ser que el cuerpo requiere más glutatión a medida que envejecemos. Curiosamente, algunos estudios han demostrado que las personas que han vivido más de 100 años tienen niveles naturalmente altos de glutatión.

La próxima vez que uno de tus amigos o familiares habla acerca de la edad y que se ven y se sienten la edad, decirles como el aumento de sus niveles de glutatión con OGF ayuda a su cuerpo, naturalmente, luchar contra los radicales libres y es la mejor defensa contra el envejecimiento. . . de adentro hacia afuera!
50% off coupon from by contacting me

Dr. Rob Keller The creator of the Original Glutathione Formula™ Robert H. Keller, MD, MS, FACP
Dr. Keller served on the scientific review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Recognized as one of America's "Top Physicians in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology" by The Consumers' Research Council.

Dr. Keller was a faculty member of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Marquette Univ.) He published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents. Dr. Keller was elected to The Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV Medicine. Dr. Keller passed away in 2009; He is remembered as an exceptional scientist, compassionate physician and an accomplished educator. Dr. Keller was also named one of the top scientist of the 21st century. Thousands continue to attribute their improved health and vitality to the discoveries and patented formulations of RobKellerMD®. 

The First Steps
In 1997 Dr. Keller became determined to figure out a way to increase the Glutathione levels of his patients. He developed a formulation to begin testing. He also developed a lab test so he could actually see that Glutathione levels were increasing in his patients. He presented the test at the 1998 Conference on the Laboratory science of HIV.
Development of the Technology
Utilizing the lab test, Dr. Keller tested many formulations until he was satisfied that his technology did increase Glutathione levels in his patients. It was then that a patent application was filed for the technology. On July 17, 2001, a United States patent was granted to Dr. Keller for the Method of treatment of Glutathione deficient mammals.

Click to view PATENT
Utilizing this blood test, Dr. Keller monitored the effect of his Glutathione technology in his medical practice. Based upon this data, he presented abstracts at various scientific meetings including The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2008 and 2009, XVI International AIDS Conference and various other meetings. Each such abstract disclosed an increase in Glutathione levels utilizing his Glutathione technology.

World Wide Distribution
After witnessing the positive impact on his patients over several years, he became determined to make it available to as many people as possible. At that time there were several different products incorporating Dr. Keller’s Glutathione technology. Meanwhile, our efforts became very focused on the ground level of the HIV epidemic in Africa, prompting us to seek a partnership to increase the distribution of our Glutathione technology. To achieve this goal, Dr. Keller reviewed all the different Glutathione products that were currently in production and he arrived at what he viewed as the best of all the products for wide scale distribution. This formulation, which is known as The Original Glutathione Formula, was exclusively licensed to a newly formed ...Marketing Company on September 1, 2006. Dr. Keller was elated that tens of thousands of people outside his medical practice were benefitting from his Glutathione technology.
Dr. Keller was committed to improving the health and quality of life of people worldwide.

On December 23, 2010, the licensee lost it’s exclusive rights to the Glutathione Technology and was contractually able to utilize the technology at our sole discretion. 

Today the RobKellerMD team, including two of his daughters, distributes products based on the platforms developed by Dr. Keller, maintaining the high quality he insisted on, at very affordable pricing.

RobKellerMD is dedicated to continuing Dr. Keller's pursuit of optimizing immunity and health.
“We are so pleased to be part of the team committed to carrying out his legacy and committed to advancing the platforms he developed."
Stacy O’Conner, Director of Customer Service and Megan Guard, Director of Communications.
This is the factual history of how Dr. Keller’s Glutathione technology came to fruition and why we call it the Original Glutathione Formula™.
Today you can order & receive 

1/2 off, 50% off your first order on autoship with the 

by emailing me  (You can easily stop your autoship or change it at any time) Original Glutathione Formula™ direct for $39.95. Why pay more? 

Dr. Keller was committed to improving the health and quality of life of people worldwide.

Dr. Keller and his partners in Tanzania, Africa. 

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Dr. Keller's Original Glutathione Formula OGF, discount coupon 50% off first order

We now provide Dr. Keller's ORIGINAL GLUTAHIONE FORMULA (OGF) to naturally increase your own Glutathione formula.
TO Order the super high quality but at a much smaller price, go to and receive 1/2 off, 50% off your first order on autoship with the coupon code by contacting me.(You can easily stop your autoship or change it at any time)

Can Glutathione help your major organs?

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It is well known and established that Glutathione is present in every cell in your body, with elevated concentrations present in the tissue of your major internal organs. Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant and detoxifier, capable of doing the job of all of your body's other available antioxidants. Glutathione is also the only antioxidant that, once utilized, does not itself become a free radical. If your body's available Glutathione becomes depleted, the ability of your internal organs to counteract free radical damage and eliminate toxins may become compromised. Daily supplementation with Original Glutathione Formula™ may assist the body in maintaining or improving healthy levels of Glutathione, which will keep internal organs functioning properly. Order at and receive 1/2 off, 50% off your first order on autoship with the coupon code RKMD-84268 (Can easily stop your autoship or change it at any time)

 ¿Sabes cómo OGF mejora la función de sus órganos? Es bien conocido y establecido que el glutatión está presente en cada célula de su cuerpo, con elevadas concentraciones presentes en el tejido de sus principales órganos internos. El glutatión es desintoxicante y antioxidante primario del cuerpo, capaz de hacer el trabajo de todos los otros antioxidantes disponibles en su cuerpo. El glutatión también es el único antioxidante que, una vez utilizado, por sí mismo no se convierten en un radical libre. Si los niveles del glutatión en su cuerpo se agotan, la capacidad de sus órganos internos para contrarrestar el daño de los radicales libres y la eliminación de toxinas puede ser comprometida. La suplementación diaria con el Original Glutathione Formula™ puede ayudar al cuerpo a mantener o mejorar los niveles saludables de glutatión, que mantendrá los órganos internos funcionando correctamente.