Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scientific info on the Swine Flu and how it works in our bodies.

Here is what Dr. Robert Keller had to say about the Swine Flu and how it works in our bodies. Please read this incredible scientific information.
The Consumers’ Research Council has named Dr. Keller one of America’s “Top Physicians in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology. He has published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents.

Here are my notes of Dr. Keller in the spring of 2009 said, “I am not here as a businessman. I am here because my heart is with patients… I will tell you very honestly (referring to formulating Dr. Keller's Original Glutathione Formula OGF) that I am God’s helper. I get the inspiration from God and the 99% perspiration which is characteristic comes from me, but without that inspiration it wouldn’t happen. I think it is very important that we discuss something that obviously has hit the news. As you are aware, okay, the swine flu that contains components of the avian flu, has now infected 15 countries, the threat level is up to 5, 6 means a pandemic. The word is, as of two days ago, that in Mexico things were calming down. I went on the Internet last night and tried to find out whether that was true and suddenly there was silence from Mexico, about whether it has calmed down or it has speeded up.

Anyway, let me make it real simple, Glutathione, okay is the major protecter against your lungs in the flu. With the flu, if you die, you die of pneumonia, and you die of pneumonia because there is what is called a Cytokine storm. Simply means there are trillions and trillions and trillions of free radicals produced by this ugly infection. And those trillions and trillions and trillions free radicals, if they are not taken out of the equation allow micro-flanges which are part of your defense system, to actually blow up the air cells that hold the air. So although if you read on a death certificate from flu, they in fact die of pneumonia, in fact they die of suffocation because they can’t get enough air in.

Now, if you use (OGF) nd you add other member of the dynamic duo (AID) okay, because remember, Glutathione is the master antioxidant…. In any case, if you use (OGF)and you use (AID), okay there is a really good chance …NO let me change that, there is a guarantee that whatever level of illness you’re going to feel as a result of the flu, okay will be significantly lessened. That means the joint pains, the muscle pains, perhaps not the fever, okay, the feeling of profound fatigue, because as I told you many times, okay, I use (OGF) not by a clock, my body is my clock. When my body says I need more (OGF)…so I just took some, the fact of the matter is, I come back to what I call neutral. Neutral means my body is working the way it should and I don’t even know about it, nor do I need to care because I know what’s going on is taking care of the problem, remember Glutathione’s major function among clearing free radicals and doing everything else is in fact protecting the little furnaces in every of the trillion cells in your body. The little furnaces are called Mitochondria. And the more Glutathione you’ve got on board, okay, the more ATP (energy) you produce. The more ATP you produce the more energy you get.

So as a take home message, and as science, okay, not as salesmanship. The fact of the matter is, with 15 countries now involved, and we just actually found out this morning that 3 schools in Broward County were closed down as well, if you do (OGF), and I don’t necessarily mean twice a day as the (bottle) says but as your body says and you do (Advance Immune Defense AID) which is the cast of characters that support (OGF), that give you CoQ10, they give you Catalase, they give you Superoxide Dismutase. All of which are critically important. They are not the top of the chain, but without those the chain doesn’t work as well as it should. So the take home message is…there is replete data in the literature and I would suggest that you go (read an article ) Karen Bowden wrote an article about Chronic Obstructive Lung disease and Glutathione, I believe about 5 or 6 months ago and whatever is true and is being said about Chronic Obstructive Lung disease which again is the inability to get air into the blood because you can’t hold it in the air sacs is true in a very similar way for influenza, and that means seasonal influenza, that means the Swine influenza, that means Avian influenza, and that means certainly means the H1N1strain that is now one step away from becoming a pandemic and potentially, and obviously this is pure speculation, but if it continues to go and that Mexican data is not real this could end up to be another 1918.

I would like to just point out two things that are relative to what I told you before. Okay, the fact of the matter is that I have a 6 year old grandson and as you know it says you can’t use (OGF) in children but my grandson is my grandson. My daughter called me in a panic on Thursday night and said Colin’s sick. Colin has a fever and we went through all the things and it didn’t sound very bad and I looked at him and there’s really nothing going on but I said, Look let’s not take a chance okay, he’s 60 pounds okay and wiry as can be, and he’s a mini-mini-me so I obviously love him very much and I love all 4 of my grandchildren. He is now on (OGF) one capsule three times a day to preclude the possibility that this could be the onset of the H1N1 Flu. Anyway, in terms of immune enhancement it is SO critical, the fact of the matter is that if your immune system is working up to par you would not believe the benefits you get.”…

I’ve said this before and I will say it again, I believe from the bottom of my heart, and with God as my witness, that everybody on the face of this planet should be on both (OGF) and (AID)!... And frankly, given what’s going on in this world right now, I believe that anybody who is NOT on (OGF) is doing themselves a dis-service. ..It is always a thrill for me to be able to give you a little bit of a glimpse, and I do mean a little bit of a glimpse of the importance of Glutathione and really know the importance of the dynamic duo meaning (OGF) and the (AID). And I hope that you take the message to heart and I hope that without over selling, okay, you recognize the importance of it’s protective role in what may become a pandemic in the very near future.”

Important Notice: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended for use in the treatment of any disease. Jillyn & Randy,,,,  do not make any claims concerning (OGF) or (AID) or any other products.
Jillyn and Randy